Burn Permit

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FOR YOUR PROTECTION: 1. Do not set fires during the period of this permit when the weather or other conditions make it hazardous to do so. 2. The permittee must have sufficient manpower. tools. and equipment at the burn site to control the fire. 3. The fire shall be watched by the permittee or his/her agent until no live embers or smoke remain from the fire. 4. This permit covers vegetative material only. It does not cover such items as, but not limited to, household garbage, dead animals, treated wood, chemicals or synthetics, such as rubber or plastic. Violations under the law upon conviction provide for a maximum fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for six months or both. In addition to this permit you are also required by law to comply with the State Air Quality Bureau's "Open Burning Regulations." Your fire protection agency can advise you. Additional local burning regulations may also apply in certain towns, cities, and counties. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: No open burning is allowed after 8:00 p.m. Thank you. BY SUBMITTING THIS FORM YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS LISTED ABOVE.
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